Talentheads services

Through our bespoke Talent Success Cycle, we support you through all stages of your talent success using our four services: Talent Strategy, Recruitment, Learning & Development and Coaching.

We are your internal recruitment, and learning & development team, meaning you don’t need to spend time, or money, investing in an in-house offering – we provide you with talent strategy, recruitment and bespoke training and coaching in line with your company needs.

Promoting learning and development initiatives in the recruitment process is a great way to demonstrate how a business values their workforce and show candidates why they should choose to work with you rather than a competitor.

We believe people are the most valuable resource and strongest asset in any organisation, without the right people in the right roles with the right skills and values match, your growth plans won’t come to fruition.

Talent success doesn’t happen by accident, but through embedding each stage of this cycle. We believe in attracting and developing talent rather than buying it in in a reactive manner.
We are passionate about clear development pathways and succession plans to enable your talent growth, rather than a resignation and further recruitment costs.

For us this is like a puzzle. If any of these elements are missing then the real talent success potential isn’t reached!

By empowering individuals to develop and reach their full potential, this powers the business and is critical to growth.

This all happens in a continuous and evolving cycle of development for both the individual and the organisation.

Our impact

Partnerships with growing businesses to improve recruitment and development strategies to build long-term high performing teams
Team members retained and empowered through coaching and development programmes
Hiring managers upskilled to recruit and retain their teams successfully
Local jobs for local people to build futures, create opportunities, and strengthen vibrant communities
Recruitment agency fees saved to invest elsewhere
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